Upcoming Mission Trip Opportunities
Clarkston, GA
Total Cost | $100
Deposit | $100
Deposit Due Date | Upon Registration
by February 26, 2023
Point Person | Danny Seay
March 10 - 14, 2023
Clarkston, Georgia
This team will be going to Clarkston, GA, to serve alongside one of our one mission partners, Emma Cross, her church, as well as several other ministry partners as they work to reach the large international refugee community there. Our team will also experience several sessions of cross-cultural engagement training which will provide team members with ministry skills that they can use on future mission opportunities.
April 12 - 21, 2023
Istanbul, Turkey
Here's an opportunity to serve International Mission Board personnel as they hold an annual training and retreat in Instanbul! Our job will be to play games, plan activities, and lead lessons for the worker's children while their parents attend retreat sessions. Our network will also have the opportunity to spend several days encouraging a partner couple from the Greeville area by watching their children so they can have a much needed date night. And, of course, we'll be able to see first hand the work they've been doing in their city.
Total Cost | $1,800
Deposit | $600
Deposit Due Date | January 1, 2023
Point Person | Robert McKinney
Total Cost | $250
Deposit | $100
Deposit Due Date | March 1, 2023
Point Person | Danny Seay
May 11 - 14, 2023
Beckley, West Virginia
Join us as we partner with Noah and Cheyanne Toney, church planters in Beckley, WV! We'll be serving their church, Redemption Church, as we help them with a block party for their nearby community, assist with yard maintenance/cleanup for a local, partnering elementary school, and take on some of their pre-worship tasks (ie. set-up/tear-down and childcare services) for their Sunday morning service. If you have a pre-existing relationship with the Toney's, your familiar face would be of major encouragement to them!